Demo Kit

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Demo Kit
TypeDemo Console
IntroducedLate 2005

A Demo Kit is a version of the Xbox 360 console used by game developers to demonstrate builds of games at conventions. They do not come with a Sidecar and thus include a standard Hard Drive. They were specifically designed to look like a retail console to not draw attention from the public.

Xenon Motherboard

Xenon based Demo Kits are white like a Retail console. Early consoles may contain a secondary serial barcode sticker. Some contain the Sidecar power header while others don't.

Zephyr Motherboard

Demo Kits based on the Zephyr motherboard are white and come in two variants.

  • Early Zephyr Demo Kits had a white manufacturing label. With DEMO KIT label. More commonly devkit fused.
  • Late Zephyr Demo Kits had a black manufacturing label. Sometimes with DEMO KIT label. More commonly testkit fused.

Jasper/Tonasket Motherboard

Jasper and Tonasket based Demo Kits are black like the Xbox 360 Elite. May have devkit or testkit fuses.

Trinity Motherboard

Two versions of the Trinity based Demo Kits exist.

  • Early Demo Kits use a glossy case with an orange manufacturing label. They are either devkit or testkit fused, often Microsoft Equipment, loaned hardware. Because of unit redundancy these units were phased out quickly and replaced.
  • XDK S units sold without the Sidecar.