Repair Actions/HSIO

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Note  This page is a technician's reference. You will need Schematic and/or Boardview files to follow these steps.

1021/E 73


Occurs if the HSIO training fails due to an unresponsive or malfunctioning eDRAM. The SMC enters EC_XSS, the E 73 UEM will be displayed, and the 1021 code is displayed on the front panel.

1022/E 74 and 1102/E 82


Occurs if the HSIO calibration fails due to an unresponsive or malfunctioning eDRAM. The SMC enters EC_XSS, the E 74 or E 82 UEM will be displayed, and the 1022 or 1102 code is displayed on the front panel.


  • The HSIO bus connects the main die of the GPU to the eDRAM die. As all of these components are on the GPU substrate, it is not possible to service the chip internally.
  • The only way to fix the E 73, E 74, and E 82 errors is to replace the GPU.